Monday, November 28, 2005

Week 4 Check In

I have done my morning pages 5 out of 7 days this week. Actually 5 1/2. I did have some trouble with it this week. I had time constraints this week. On the days that my writing seems to flow I enjoy writing my morning pages.

My artist date: I went to the music store and listened to some Blues and Soul. I even bought a Ray Charles CD for myself. Very different from what I usually listen to but very enjoyable. I love to hear all the different kinds of music and it's so nice when you can scan the CD to listen to a preview. I spent a couple of hours just listening to different artists and types of music. (Some I had never heard before). So it was interesting, enjoyable and stretched my musical horizons a bit.

I have experience a lot of synchronicity this past week. It's all tied in with the task this week where I wrote a letter from myself at 80 to myself at my current age and the previous task where we examined our obvious and less obvious rotten habits. Although I want to share this with you, I feel it's a little too soon for me to do so.

I really had a hard time not reading for a week. I understand the principle behind it, but I'm not so sure it worked for me. Anyway I did it. I wasn't too happy about it but I did it. Hey, maybe I was throwing a tantrum by not doing my morning pages every day this week! I didn't check the blogs this week just so I wouldn't be tempted to fall off the reading wagon. I'm just hoping she doesn't ask us to do that again.


Pat/SWquilter said...

Boy, you and me both Cathy - and as I was thinking about the fact that this was probably easier for me to do this past week because of it being a holiday week and busier than normal, and I was at Hilda's so I had someone to talk to and do things with during the time I might otherwise have been reading - it crossed my mind that perhaps I missed the point of reading deprivation because it happened in a week that wasn't typical. . . and could that mean I needed to do it again? Yikes!! Hope not!

Debra Dixon said...

You were really good to not even check blogs! yikes!