My monster is nearly complete. All knitted up and just awaiting some eyes. I'm making a stop at Joanne Fabrics this evening after my violin lesson so I can finish him up. Meanwhile, I'm working on my Cassidy cardigan. I had the left front nearly finished when I realized a row of cables were crossed on the wrong row. rrrrrip! I really can't say enough good things about this pattern (ravelry link).
The eating part. Homemade Irish Soda Bread, Corned Beef, cabbage & champ.
The corned beef recipe I used is called Kilkenny Corned Beef. My mother has made it for years, and it's my absolute favorite.
Kilkenny Corned Beef with horseradish sauce
about 3 hours
1 piece corned beef
Boiling Water
1 tablespoon mixed pickling spices (usually packaged in with the corned beef)
1/2 cup firmly packed light brown sugar
1/3 cup prepared mustard
Preheat oven to 325. Wash corned beef brisket & place in roasting pan. Cover with boiling water & add pickling spices. Cover pan with aluminum foil.. Bake @ 325 for about 2 hours. When tender, allow to cool in cooking liquid.(This can be done the day before). About an hour before serving, drain corned beef from liquid, put in roasting pan & cook @ 325 for 30 min. Prepare glaze by combining the brown sugar & mustard. Spread over corned beef & cook for an additional 30 minutes.
Horseradish Sauce
Prep time about 5 min
Total Time: 2 hours
8 oz container of sour cream
2 tablespoons prepared mustard
2 tablespoons horseradish.
Combine all ingredients. Refrigerate for a couple of hours to let flavors blend.
And since you know I don't cook without music, here's a list of some of today's favorites:
Carrickfergus - Lisa Kelly
Fiddlers Green - Noel Mcloughlin
Green & Red of Mayo - Saw Doctors
The Wind that Shakes the Barley - Loreena McKennitt
The Blacksmith - Liz Knowles
So, since dinner is ready, let me just end
this post with an Irish toast:
May those who love us, love us.
And those who don't love us,
May God turn their hearts;
And if He doesn't turn their hearts,
May He turn their ankles,
So we will know them by their limping.
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